Google Cache Checker with Custom Google Docs SEO Tool [VIDEO]

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We’re excited to release our first of many digital marketing screencasts and videos! Today’s video is a how-to on a simple google doc SEO tool we built to check a batch list of URLs in Google’s cache. The tool allows you to quickly see whether or not a URL in a batch list is cached, and the most recent cached version and date of that page. We all know Googlebot can come on a daily basis to crawl your site – but is the page getting cached? If so when?

This tool can help. Scroll past the video for the link to the read-only tool which you can copy for your own uses. Enjoy!

p.s. excuse the geeky-sounding voice.. according to the team, this headset I was using made me sound 3 octaves higher with a clothespin on my nose. 🙂

The How-To Video


Save Your Own!

  1. Click here: for the tool.
  2. Go to File / Make a copy to save your own writeable version. (Name it whatever you want)
  3. Paste a list of URLs in Column A (under 50).
  4. Bask in cached bliss 🙂

Enjoy and leave your comments below.  

Picture of Ari


CEO & Founder
Ari has been working in SEO for over 13 years, and marketing & IT for nearly 20. Ari founded Kahena in 2011 as a boutique search marketing agency which quickly grew into an industry leading firm. His core competency is SEO, with specialties in technical SEO, keyword research & user intent, large-site architecture, web analytics, and data analysis. As CEO, Ari’s day to day responsibilities are split between hands-on strategy and execution on specific accounts, business development, vision, and company culture. Ari holds down the fort in our Tel Aviv headquarters, where he lives with his wife and 2 daughters. When he does make time for hobbies, Ari enjoys reliving his past as a musician, gadget tinkering, or brewing pretentious pour over coffee.
Picture of Ari


CEO & Founder
Ari has been working in SEO for over 13 years, and marketing & IT for nearly 20. Ari founded Kahena in 2011 as a boutique search marketing agency which quickly grew into an industry leading firm. His core competency is SEO, with specialties in technical SEO, keyword research & user intent, large-site architecture, web analytics, and data analysis. As CEO, Ari’s day to day responsibilities are split between hands-on strategy and execution on specific accounts, business development, vision, and company culture. Ari holds down the fort in our Tel Aviv headquarters, where he lives with his wife and 2 daughters. When he does make time for hobbies, Ari enjoys reliving his past as a musician, gadget tinkering, or brewing pretentious pour over coffee.

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