
Just For Fun
Aaron Friedman

Just Shut it Down!

We Like to Shut it Down, Too Often times, when things go a little haywire in the SEO industry we like to joke here at Kahena that we should “just shut it down”. Well apparently

Rookie Reflections
Shlomo Wiesen

Newb VS Noob: Which One Is It?

Title Tag Reservations No, no, this blog title is not implying a competition between me and another pale faced Kahena freshman named (not provided). The above title is an evolution of my journey from sipping

App Store Optimization
Denisse Dubrovsky

App Store Optimization (ASO) 101: The Rules Of The Game

Recently, we here at Kahena have had some great opportunities to explore the world of mobile marketing, specifically App Store Optimization or “ASO.” We’ve been scouring the internet for all news about this exciting new